Saturday, May 21, 2016

Routine of a sojourner

I know this might not be of interest to some of you. I thought that I would give you description of my daily routine in a day's arising and day's rest.

Upon rising, which usually stirred around 5:00 a.m. by those who head out to complete 20 plus miles in a day. Sleeping bags zippers, russle of ziplock bags, clothing coming off and going on. Toilets flushing, teeth brushing and at times very loud inside voices! To the closing or most often slamming of the door as they leave. If that is not enough alarm to wake up by, the lights auto flip on at 6:30.

I more than not wake up with a song on my heart ready for what or who is waiting in our day. I sneak on my underclothes removing my sleep wear, then on with my clothes for the day: which had been placed on my back pack the night before.

Next rolling up my sleep sack and stuffing it in its pouch placing it in the underneath compartment of my back pack. Where I also place a slip sheet as I can tell you, next time I simply say "good night and don't let the bed bugs bite" I will give second thoughts as this is part of what could have shared your bed last night!!!

Folding my sleep wear and placing it in the top compartment along with my towel for tonight, I grab my comb and tooth brush and head to the bathroom where I am greeted by men and women doing the same that had not left at the 5:00 hour. All in joyful moods and gladly offering a "good morning".

Back to my bunk bed, I drink deeply from my water bottle and join it with the supplements and few medications I take. Enjoying a banana, orange, sometimes a yogurt. Waiting to fuel up with caffeine, if the cafe is open as their hours are different than mine. On goes the fourteen pounds, hands coupled with poles, either the rain jacket, down jacket or vest. Maybe all three or two. Buff on my neck, head or wrist, we head out. Stop to take a mental check list of having not left anything behind after we had already checked before we left...➡️

➡️On the path....arriving for our night stay between noon and 3:00. We find an albergue. Once were are checked in, having shown our passports and our pilgrim's credentials, we choose our bunk beds. Hopefully bottom ones, but, not always. A few albergues assign you beds taking away our option for bottom ones.

Catching a moments breath, I begin to set up camp. First glancing at the mattress, which I would not recommend doing to closely! Then laying down my mattress sheet. Spraying it down with essential oil bug spray. Upon which I lay my sleep sack, again spraying it down.

We plug in our electronics needing to be charged; switching with the remaining ones at bedtime.

Gathering up my night clothes and towel head for the shower for if you wait too long, what revives you quickly is a cold water shower.  I have had a few!!! It takes me a bit to come out of the shower as I do not have much gracefulness in the act of putting clean clothing on in a wet shower floor!! But, eventually I make it back to my bunk.

As Randy and I seem to be eating only one main meal a day and the pilgrims meal offered everywhere is not severed until seven. We eat our main meal not long after our shower. We either dine out or I make something, if a kitchen is available.

Randy is most always in bed between 5:30-7:00. So he masks up, plugs up and he is off to rest!
I very, depending on how tired I am. Visiting or lying in bed and reading. My light goes out no later than 9:30. Official lights out and quite is 10:00.

I hope that I still have this morning's heart song and will be singing when the evening comes...

For this way, I have learned patience, tolerance and kindness. As these are the implements of a life desired to share and gift others with love....

So far, NO bed bugs! 🤗

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