Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Whopper burger from Burger King was found worthy
Of a big smile from a satisfied man!
American food...enough tapas!!! 

  This ithe front enterance to  our albergue in  Navarete. Does not open until 13:30. We wait...
Lovely body of water reflecting clouds, entertaining our
View along our path. The city in the distance is Navarete. 

More vineyards with snow capped mountains in the distance.
Staying in the town of Najera you see. 

This is a line of centipedes traveling together .
Appearing to be lending support to the one in front .
They always travel this way and are poisonous.
Only to be noticed by someone on foot. 

Amazing vineyards along our path today to Najera.
Different than those back home.
Local wine here is served plenty and a bottle is
Complementary with our meal. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Pilgrims come in all different sizes...
And pan (bread) being the sustenance of their travel! 

St James walking his pilgrimage...
Life size statue in the Museum of Logrono
Made of wood in 1554
My Pilgrim's passport filling up with stamps.
❤️ Stamp is for each of you!! 

Old city of  Logrono

Happy is the man who just ate a Whopper in Spain!!

Church on the corner.....

If your feet have been wounded from your journey,
Know there is healing to come.
NO, these are not my feet, but those of my bunk mate. 

Welcoming town of Sansol...

Home of the Whopper!

We have arrived in Logrono. The biggest city we have come through. Population 155,000!  It is a university city and shares its city limits with the new having grown out from the old city center. We are staying just a few blocks from city center and will visit those sites.

I was so looking forward to some private time. Which actually means quiet! Albergue life has its benefits and down side. Not having quiet is for me the biggest. Lights off  being the second.

Describing albergue living, I would say is sharing your bedroom with people who you have never met, cannot communicate with and lifestyle difference. As the Italian gentleman who was wearing his speedo and gargling saying good morning to me! Strange occurrence!

The bunk beds vary in degrees of sturdy to not so sturdy. I base this on how often I feel like I am in a railroad car driving down the tracks by the person in the top bunk constant tossing and turning; to no traveling only a few squeaks of the springs as the bunk bed is made from cast iron and ancient! Couple bunk bed living with bed bugs, you find yourself checking the corners of the mattress to see if
there is any black stuff in the seams of the mattress! Bed bugs!!! So far...so good. I brought essential oils to spray on our mattresses, taking no chances!! We were told that if the beds are metal we should Be fine as the bugs are not able to climb up the metal frame. Who knew?

You also find some of the mattresses have a kind of rubbery mattress cover which is easy to wipe with a disinfectant and then throw our sleep sacks on it. We have come across a few albergues that offer blankets. Kind of iffy....

At times these albergues are over a bar, which speaks for it's self! Combine it with the noise of heavy breathers, snores, and moans, it makes for a long night. Randy has been falling into bed most nights at 6:00.

Our last albergue had 65 beds. One bathroom for the men and one for the ladies. There was a lineup in the morning down the hall with wiggling and anxious gals! Need to learn to hit the servicios (banos,  WC or toilette) before everyone is up!!

I am learning a small amount of Spanish. Here in the south of Spain, they pronounce their "c" with our "th" sound. So Gracias is Gra thias.  It is like talking with a lisp!

Having said all this- it is fun to chat with so many people, learning about them and why are they making this pilgrimage.

Randy and I have found that we have been in sync with a gentleman from Ireland who is walking with a staff. He collects flowers along the way and assembles them on his pole. A man most pleasant and seems to be at such peace. Totally enjoying his journey. His name is James.

Just a day back, James was a bit ahead of us. We heard this music, not being able to place the source of where it was coming from. When shortly we came upon him, as he was perched upon a rock playing his flute. It was so very nice and certainly unexpected! Which on this road there are many unexpected moments.

All the yellow fields we have been seeing all along our path we've learned is canola fields. So lovely. Our noses have been tantalized by oregano and thyme growing wild on the boarders of our path.  We have been ready for a delicious Italian meal at day's end.

The city of Logrono was very quiet this morning. All the shops are closed on Sunday. However, after the noon hour the streets load up with people as all the restaurants and cafe' start bustling with service!! We even went to a flea market in the main square. It was nice to be part of the happenings of these folks as they enjoy their Sunday afternoon. We attended the main church here, and shook hands in greeting a one point of their service.

I remain exhilarated and my partner remains supportive! He is a trooper as I know he is thinking, what was She thinking. He was rewarded with a whopper burger! Told you Logrono was big. Hoping in the end something will be taken from our journey that will be rewarding for him if not that we traveled many miles and experienced it the only way to obtain the fullness of the country.

Please pray for us this next coming week as it will be hard long days. Traveling a distance with little I between.

Love from the Ruch pilgrims!!