Thursday, April 14, 2016

In front of free flowing fountain of wine.
See my shell that I took a sip from? 

One of the many old churches.
Each town or village has a historical church in its center. 

Church at Los Arcos

Coming into Sansol where we are staying the night 

Pilgrim, me....made by a gentleman in Los Arcos and gave to me 

Such a serene part of our path....

All gently clap their hands to the designer and Maker...

Vino taste from the free flowing fountain to all who pass 

To market to market to buy fruit, olives and pan (bread) 

Markers that we follow....always a yellow arrow.

This is our Alberge style sleeping 

E len a has finally got her groove...

We have made it 83 miles thus far. And I can say that I (my name is Elena here) have found the perfect fit for my backpack. It is now fitting and feeling great. Stride is comfortable and I am getting used to the routine and have found my groove. Randy has gotten into his move. He plugs into his iPod and dances his was along the path, except when we are climbing.

We began our Monday of this week with the rays of the peeking sun shining above the brows of the mountains. Breath taking as it sweeps the land with a glistening dew, waking everything to behold the new day.

We hope to get into our routine of walking six days. Although today, Thursday, Randy's foot has been paining him. We went 13.44 miles yesterday and it was very strenuous on his foot. So we will be having three short days which will bring us into Logrono where we will rest.

Interesting, I am seeing many injuries. Ankles, knees, calves, blisters! Yikes, bleeding blisters. Yet, not being held up as they pursue their mission of this Way.

In a small town of Estella, which is one of my favorite towns thus far, people were so welcoming. Everyone said hola and even when we were in a cafe, each customer came in saying Buenos Dias or Hola to us.

A gentleman Xavier, came  in and engaged in conversation with us. Inquiring if we were going all the way to Santiago. He is a Padre who is a missionary in Zambia for 42 years. He came home to Estella because his mother is ill. He shared about a book he was mentioned in written by two Americans who had done the Camino. One of the men needed help to the hospital. He was their guardian angel!

He ran home and brought the book and gave it to us. We were touched. After leaving Estella, we realized that the book which is quite thick was also quite heavily. But, it was given in such a gesture we felt we needed to accept it.

There is a saying in this book:
The road has no beginning,
 And the road has no end!
The towns they run together
  And they run apart again.
Right now is the only moment,
  And time is the time to go
And make yourself a pilgrim
  On the road to Santago!

Outside of  Estella was a small stop point, Bodegas Irache. It is a famous wine fountain, Fuente del vino.  Pilgrims can fortify themselves for their journey ahead.  I took my pilgrims shell and poured a wee drop from the fountain, tasting and to experience the ritual. It was 7:30 a.m., so it was just a slurp for me.  Others filled their water bottles. If I knew we would have an almost 14 miles day, I might have considered the same.

We continue to be amazed and blessed by the beauty of the country side. The old ruins, A Knight's Templar, old cathedrals and tranquil villages. There is no other way but The Way to take in all that is offered. To smell, see and feel gives this means of travel the all encompassing effect.

Arriving with fatigue and awful smelling we arrived in Los Arcos. We choose to share a room with two bunks, four people, instead of sixteen to a room.  Went to bed very early and up with the first light.

At breakfast this morning a man asked me my name. I told him Ilene, he said Elena. Si! He asked how I spelled my name and I told him. A few minutes later he presented with a wire piece he made, with a pilgrim, my name and a flower. He made a wire hook in which I could hang it on my back pack. So many gestures of kindness and acknowledgement that you are noticed and significant along this life's journey.

Randy and I are learning that everyone's pilgrimage through life is taken at each individual's pace. Our paths all differ and one's steps are taken accordingly.

Acknowledge a stranger today....

Love to each of you!

Ilene (Elena) and Randero

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Inglesia De San Pedro

A breathtaking crucifixion where my focus remained during  service. 

Seek Ye first  the Kingdom of God ...and all these things shall be added unto you.
Singing Allelujah with our Spainsh Brothers and sisters.
What a tearful and a  full blessing moment