Wednesday, March 30, 2016

We are here at the beginning....

Well, we have made our way from Paris to southern France, through Bayonne, staying the night and on to St. Jean Pied de Port. What a lovely town nestled at the foot of the Pyrenees. Population 1,800.
We found an albergue (hostel) that opened for the first time on Monday. We are her first guest over night with two meals, dinner and breakfast. She has such a gift of hospitality!!! A delicious dinner meal, Basque. First home cooked for a week. Had endive salad with egg and walnuts.  We dined with four others; sisters from Quebec and a father/son from Ireland!

After dinner, I helped clean up which was a special time with our host. She could not get over my helping her and told Randy I was a pearl. That he should journey alone, leaving me here to team with her! I asked her if she is a woman of faith. She said most certainly, saying she says she is a Christian for distinction from Catholic. She showed me a place in a rock wall in her dining room where a porcelain statue of Mary is placed that she has had many years. When looking to purchase a place for her hostel, she wanted to have a niche cut out somewhere in the hostel to place Mary. But, as confirmation to her that this was the right place, there was a natural niche already there, which is where Mary resides.

There is a candle on a table underneath the statue, which being my Jonathan's birthday today, I asked if I could light this candle in memory of my treasured friend lost this month. She absolutely said yes and we held hands after the candle was light....HAPPY BITRTHDAY , beloved V!!! Miss you immensely!!!

Funny story. Our sleep last night was disturbed by a continued light shinning in our window. This morning when our host, Marie Estelle, asked how we slept? I said that the light shining in our room was annoying. She replied by asking what planet was I from (joking) did we not know in France they have shutters on the OUTSIDE of the Windows!! So no curtains are necessary. The people in the room next to ours came down and said the same thing about the can guess the rest!!!

Obtained our peregrinos passport at information center. Received a map and info for hotels through to Santiago. Were informed that the main path through the Pyrenees is closed and you will pay a fine if you choose to go anyway. Sadly a few did that last week and had to be rescued. One couple tried just yesterday. They now have posted police. Serious!!!

Met a couple from Washington and from Florida! We all come from all over! A melting pot of sojourners.

Bought my walking sticks and did a little class to teach me the right and wrong of using them. Who knew??

Randy is still  cruppy. So we have taken this extra day for him to rest. Sadly we took with us that bug who has hit many back home. I am a week ahead of Randy, so I am getting better.

We left the terrible weather behind us in Paris. For the next few days we will have beautiful weather. In the high 50's. Sunshine on our faces! Tomorrow is the day we set our face and feet toward Santiago! Stopping in Roncesvalles, Spain and then on!

I find myself talking in my mind with an accent! It is easy to get caught up in the beautiful French dialect. Soon to shift to Spanish or my own language Frenish.

Buenos Dias! Buen Camino!!!
Love, Ilene and Randy

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