Sunday, March 27, 2016

Goodbye lovely Paris

Easter Sunday, Risen Messiah! Blessings and love to each of you.

Randy and I would have liked to have shared in an Easter service at Notre Dame. What are the chances of us being here for such a celebration? Sadly we chose not to for several reasons: awareness of potential terrorist attack, crowded metro, more likely not able to accommodate the crowds of people, security has been increased, going through all bags and purses, which I am sure will make the line and wait insane! So were remain in our quiet little section of Paris.

Friday, a very wet with rain, chilly day, three metros and a train, we chose to go to Versailles. Castle of King Louie 14 and the story of Marie Antoinette. With golden gates and roof lines; rooms fit for a king, it was impressive. It was said he was a very personable  king. What I enjoyed most at this site was the amazing art and their size! Some the size of the entire wall~one ponders how long did it take the artist? The garden grounds were most impressive as well. Again, beautiful facades, statues in grand form. I almost forgot the historical Hall of Mirrors!

Yesterday was a full day. Four metros later, we did a walk about in the oldest section in Paris, Montmatre. Very artsy and quite lovely. Older style buildings with ornamental iron on the windows. Had a cappuccino, of course with a pastry, of COURSE! From here, using the metro, which other than our feet; was our only source of transportation throughout Paris, we went to the Arch of De Triumph, Notre Dame (which was crazy crowded, long long long line for security, checking each bag). Randy and I elected to just view her from the outside as we had been inside before. Last but certainly not least..... the Eiffel Tower. This is such grand structure, vast, tall with such amazing design and architectural accomplishments. Magnificent!  At one point they were considering tearing it down, unthinkable!! You certainly have the total essence of the feeling of Paris at this spot. Randy and I did a picnic at the base.

Today, our last day in Paris. I enjoyed the romance of Paris, couples of all ages, kissing, hand holding, laughing. Layering it with the French language... lovely!! Baguettes in just about every bag, backpack or carrying a loaf just plain unwrapped  Not leaving out those loaves being in the mouths of many, including ours! Certainly not carbohydrate counters here! Flower shops on the corners, decorating the rue with their many beautiful colors and scents. Vegetable and fruits lining up in rows adding to the cacophony of colors and smells blending with all the sounds that make Paris a special place. Shall I also add the many many motorcycles parked everywhere? Our weather has had a gambit of everything,  thankfully no snow as was predicted.

France also has their daylight savings time change... today! We have been sleep challenged since we have been here, only to add another hour less. Not sure when our adjustment will show up.

On the train tomorrow to Bayonne, France, where we will stay the night, leaving on a connecting train Tuesday morning; arriving at the beginning point for our pilgrimage, St, Jean Pied de Port. It is so very close now.

Love to each of you!

Ilene and Randy


  1. so far a great trip I hope it continues and with good weather. love to you both

  2. He is Risen here too! Getting ready for a 1200 mile trip through the Malhuer and Ochoco's. Wondering if Randy has found anything with a throttle and side bags yet!
