Sunday, April 24, 2016

We attend church on Sunday's. They of course are in Spanish and very ceremonial. We took communion the first time. However, felt at a loss as it was missing the vital component- his blood (wine). Very traditional and perhaps old ceremony. 

I like sitting in these ancient cathedrals and think of those ancients of days. Sojourners like us.

The architecture; wondering if the architect knew God and wanted to magnify HIM! Like Michaelangelo. Or glorify one's own accomplishment, which is of no small achievement by any means!!!
The gold is hard to take in. Sometimes for me ghastly.  Only in that the towns then so poor and times of war.  It's a unsightly contrast to what actually resides outside. But, here these beauties arise out of each city after centuries, to be viewed by all who pass through to stop, reflect, pray, and take in that here lies a place to pause and give a moment's rest, as your face views edification of our Lord. 
A sanctuary from the havoc busyness of life.

We have most certainly gotten in the groove of things. It has taken a bit to learn to carry a pack long distance. I can say with pride...I can sling my pack over my shoulders and fasten up ALL by myself. For a few weeks Randy had to assist. I am woman now!!!

Randy's foot continues to be aggravated if we go too far. I would like to be further than we are, but, we journey together!!! 

Our mornings are slow! Which is an understatement. 
As we start out, we stretch our muscles, warm up by going slowly, allowing Randy's foot to get into the motion. 
Randy is layered up with vest, jacket, rain jacket. Less than a mile he is HOT. So stop, off goes the vest. Walking on. Stop, off comes the jacket. Stop! Off comes rain jacket on goes the vest. STOP, off comes vest and on goes the jacket. Then...stop! Out comes the ear buds and iPod.  Truly this is our momentum most mornings.  Then we are grooving! 

With these blisters, I have to keep walking even if small steps as it is painful to get going again. Randy catches up. 

The average age on the Camino is mid twenties. We have only met a handful of folks in their late 60's.

But, out here one can reach out and touch their soul! Commune with the Lord without much distraction, and that which distracts is only a reminder of who has created all that our eyes behold. 

It is a world set from the world we know. Life is basic. Needs are basic. For this season of my life it is most welcomed. 

Randy and I average under 40€ a day. Most days less, 22€. Albergues average 5-7€. There are days I prepare dinner and we shop for basics. There are kitchens in most all the albergues with pots and dishes. You cook then you clean! Many cook along the way. 

On our rest weekend, we spend much more. 80€ total for two nights as well need the rest and quiet. There are many who stays in municipal albergues the whole way. Other older folks stay in hotels all the way, but, they have a month to six weeks. 

My only wis  is that the weather was more accommodating! I really don't like walking distance in the rain! Miserable. On the other hand, I would be hating the heat! So I am learning to be appreciative I the rain. Which weather prediction is showing snow on Thursday!!! I am sure we will not experience it. I so hope not! 
We will be on the Meseta mid week. High dessert!!!

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