Friday, April 1, 2016

From St. Jean Pied de Port to Valcarlos

Left yesterday morning, 3/31/ at 7:30. We spoke with a newly retired fireman from KFalls. His Camino journey was a retirement gift .  No sooner had we gotten to the marker to head on to the second path to Roncevalles, we were baptized by buckets of rain and chastising thunder and lightening.

No deterrent for these two pilgrims! We trudged on 8.4 miles in unrelenting down pour. All an upward climb; reaching as far as our drenched water proof clothing and shoes could go! I was wet to my underwear. But, was one of many many others! 

We arrived in Valcarlos, Spain around 11:30.  Swam our way into a restaurant for some hot cocoa and a latte. Everyone there contributed to the soaking of the floors and seats...a mess.

Randy went on ahead to find the municipal hostel and could not find it. Everything else would not be open till 2:00 as it is siesta from noon to 2:00.  So we elected to stay in a motel for €50. We spread out our soaked money, passport and everything else. All that was in our back packs stayed dry. Just those things on our body and in our water proof jackets! 

What we did not know was.....NO HEAT until 6:00 p.m. For only an hour!!! Consequently, nothing dried out. Randy and I snuggled in bed for most of the afternoon to keep warm. Well, needing completely dry clothes and shoes we stayed at the found Muncipal hostel today. We were first  in!!! as soon as they opened at noon to pilgrims. We grabbed our perfect bunks and spread out like home, well, within the space allotted. I made us lunch/dinner in the kitchen, as our hostel home filled up with fellow pilgrims rather quickly as it is the only hostel in this small town. Our room having ten bunks. The second room fourteen bunks which they added six overflow beds! A full house!

Hooking up to the wifi was challenging. The password was ridicules long!!! Twenty numbers and letters!!! But, presto...I connected.  

Hostel living will be like communal living. Everyone fits in well. All countries and nationalities. Stories a plenty. Some frequent flyers others like us first timers. All for numerous reasons. 

We leave tomorrow early to reach Roncevalles.  13 miles all upward! This part of our journey will be the most challenging. A back aches or aching shoulders from carrying our packs. No blisters either. 

We are exhilarated, not discouraged! Tired but not petered out!! Much lies ahead for us...

1 comment:

  1. so glad to hear that you are encouraged and enjoying the trip
